Cell-Cell Communication

Cracking the Code of Biological Function

Innovative biotechnology has enabled massive leaps forward in understanding the composition of tissues and organs. However, our functional understanding of how cells communicate in their native context and form these complex systems has just begun.

Tracing the footsteps of biological breakthroughs


Finding disease risks and genetic mutations

The study of DNA has been crucial to advancing biological research. It has allowed us to develop diagnostic tests that detect genetic diseases and to identify specific gene mutations in inherited diseases and cancer. 
But DNA alone does not fully capture the complexities of cellular function, as it overlooks the dynamic gene expression, protein interactions, and environmental influences that shape cellular behavior.


Achieving insights into gene expression

RNA analysis allows us to interpret gene expression patterns and cellular processes. However, RNA levels are not reliable predictors of cellular function because they do not reflect post-transcriptional modifications or protein activity.


Uncovering cellular machinery

Proteins are closer to human phenotypes than DNA and RNA and constitute the majority of therapeutic targets and diagnostic biomarkers. Yet, the presence of proteins or even their co-expression does not constitute actual proof of their function.

Evolving from guesswork to certainty

cell-cell communication

Evolving from guesswork to certainty

It is important to understand that the above methods for diagnosing and treating diseases have one common problem—they are indirect measurements. Scientists are forced to rely on educated but incomplete guesses in their quest to understand actual biological function.
By understanding how cells communicate, coordinate their actions, and adapt to their surroundings in human tissues, researchers can get a better picture of the cellular complexity in health and disease which includes effects of upstream molecular processes.

What do experts envision?

We have had conversations with leading scientists from around the globe. Hear their insights on the value of functional data and its importance for our understanding of biology.